
This Moment . . .

{this moment}
A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
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Many blessings for a beautiful weekend ~ Wendy


Oh Deer . . .

On Sunday, we took a little trip to Nana's (my Mom) little cottage in the wilderness.  This was our welcoming committee.

My mother has been feeding them apples that her local orchard has left over from the fall.  They come looking for them every day.  Her favorite is the little guy on the right in the top photo.  She's a little nervous about spring when new babies could possibly be coming.  That's gonna be a lot of mouths to feed!!  : )

Many blessings for a beautiful Tuesday ~ Wendy


This Moment . . .

{this moment}
A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
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A happy girl at her ballet recital!!

Many blessings for a beautiful weekend ~ Wendy


A Little Wednesday Randomness . . .

So it looks like we dodged another snow storm here in New York.  Hallelujah!!!  I absolutely love snow and being cozied up in our little cottage during a snow storm is one of my absolute favorite things in the world, HOWEVER, I think I'm ready for spring.  The only thing that makes me hesitate when I say that is the fact that after spring comes summer ~ hazy, hot and humid New York summers.  The pits!!

A seagull on top of a HUGE pile of snow. 
In my garden.

The sun has been staying out longer and feeling just a little bit warmer.  There are hints of flowers coming up in the garden and the birds and squirrels that have been frequenting our back yard all winter to eat have been visiting less frequently.  I imagine they're busy building their nests for the new babies that will be coming in another month or so.

A woodpecker in our little pear tree on a recent snowy day.
A jet in the sky on a beautiful late winter day.

 And this little girl is thrilled that she'll be playing in her beloved sand box and swinging on swings again real soon!!

Many blessings for a wonderful Wednesday ~ Wendy


A Perfectly Balanced Weekend . . .

We had, what I would call, a perfectly balanced weekend.  Dinner at our house on Friday night with life long friends and their kids who have now become life long friends with our kids.  Isn't it so amazing how that happens??!!??  One of the many special things about small town living.  : )

Another wonderful thing about small town living ~ glimpses of days gone by in the form of an old abandoned barn.

Saturday was a day to catch up on laundry and start filling my online shops again.  I made a big decision that I've been mulling over for a little while now.  I've decided to leave my job at American Greetings and concentrate on selling online again.  My shops have been neglected since I started working and, quite honestly, judging by how well my shops have done in the past, I can make more money with them than I make with AG.  Plus, I get to be home when my kids get home from school which is something that has always been important to me and was starting to happen less and less.  My last day is March 31st and I'm feeling good about my decision.  I feel the Universe is nudging me in a different direction and I have to go with it.  : )

Saturday afternoon we watched Brendan's basketball team play what ended up being their last game of the season.  They played their hearts out against the first place team and went neck and neck with them until about the middle of the second half and then they lost steam.  : (   Brendan had a great season and even scored a couple of baskets.  His confidence has soared since last year's season and I thank his wonderful coaches for that.  I'm going to miss his games but not those Tuesday night at 8 pm practices!!  : )

Yesterday I puttered around the house and listed a few more items in my Etsy shop while Jim worked on finishing up my closet that he's been remodeling when he gets the time to work on it.  Megan had a friend come over to keep her occupied otherwise my husband wouldn't have gotten anything done.  She loves being Daddy's helper and we all know how that works out sometimes.  Haha!!

Yesterday afternoon, another life long (since 5th grade!!) friend, Stacey, called to see if she could stop by for a little while.  She's in town from Florida for a couple of days and brought a quiche on the plane with her to give to me.  She had posted photos on Facebook of a 12 course meal she was cooking the other night when she couldn't sleep and I had casually mentioned that I'd love her to bring one of the quiches she baked to New York with her.  Well, guess what we had for dinner last night???  Yep!!  Chicken, bacon, broccoli and cheese quiche.  TO DIE FOR!!!  Just one of the MANY reasons I love that girl!!!!

A perfectly balanced weekend . . .  Friends, family, down time and homemade quiche!!  : )

Many blessings for a beautiful week ahead ~ Wendy


Sunday Sayings . . .

i am not what happened to me.

This one really made me think.  (Quote by Carl Jung.)

Many blessings for a beautiful Sunday and a peaceful week ahead ~ Wendy


This Moment . . .

{this moment}
A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
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It's so nice to see some color on a cloudy winter's morning!!  : )

Many blessings for a beautiful Friday and a wonderful weekend ~ Wendy