
Weekending and a Sunday Saying . . .

Another week has come and gone and I've really been slacking in the photo taking department.  I did manage to take a few shots of the pretty little snowfall we had.  Not much but just enough to make everything look sparkly and cover up the dog poop that's been in the back yard since it got cold out.  : )

I also got the remaining Christmas decorations down and put away.  It's pretty late for us this year but our tree still looked so pretty and had lost barely any needles so I took my time with that.  Does anybody else say thank you to their tree for looking so pretty right before you toss it to the curb?  I always do.  : )

Something I've been focusing on here since I discovered it on Pinterest is "hygge."  If you're not familiar with this Danish word then type this in on Pinterest and see the wonderful images that come up.  Oh my goodness!! 

In his new, exceedingly optimistic documentary Where to Invade Next, Michael…:

Oh.  And this happened . . .

FullSizeR | by wendy0112:

I thought about finally acting like a "grown up" and then, in the nick of time, I found this . . .

Image result for if you haven't grown up by 50

 And, by the way . . .

Rhinestone Iron On Transfer 50 is Fabulous Crystal by 6dollarBling, $5.99:

Here's to another 50 AT LEAST!!!!!  xoxo

~ Wendy


  1. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a brilliant day!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Let's make a pact to never grow up!

    Looking up Hygge right now....this is absolutely amazing! I cannot stop looking at the photos!

    And I love your first photo! You nailed it....THAT is hygge!

  3. Belated Birthday wishes, I am a little like Peter Pan and have never grown up nor do I feel the need to now. Wishing you many more happy years and that you never grow up either. Take care.


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