I took a couple of pictures of the day.

This is my "co-Diva", Brendan. Come to think of it, he does look a bit like a Diva in this outfit. HAHA!! Even more so in this picture . . .
He's actually wearing an old Halloween costume that doesn't fit him anymore. He and his friend who lives next door, Bernadette, definitely hammed it up for this pic!! Those two are like an old married couple. They get along, bicker, get along, bicker, bicker, bicker and then go their separate ways when they've had enough of each other. She tries to boss him around and when he's had enough he lets her know and then he tries to tell her what to do but doesn't get very far with that. They're a panic to listen in on when they don't know you're listening in. : )
Here are a couple of shots of some Yard Sale items.
I loved the color of the oil in this lamp that is for sale. It looked so pretty in the sunshine. Next to it is a teapot lamp that has been sitting in a box in my garage from when I used to sell on eBay. Now that I'm no longer selling there, I didn't know what to do with it. It didn't sell today but tomorrow is another day of the sale so maybe we'll have better luck.
Here's an old green dresser that my husband's neighbor gave him when he lived in his bachelor pad (pre-me). It also has a set of drawers that sit on the top of this piece but I opted to keep them for when I get rid of my big, bulky This End Up dresser. Is that company even in business anymore?!!?
This didn't sell yet, either. I didn't decide to separate the two pieces until late in the sale so not a lot of people got to see it. Maybe tomorrow . . .
We did have one casualty of the sale today. I warn you. This picture isn't for the faint of heart . . .
My witch lost her nose!! One of the neighborhood kids made her punch her own nose and her hand and nose are made of some type of ceramic-like material and she punched it right off of her own face!! His mom offered to pay for it but I thought it was funny. What goes thru a six year old boy's mind to possess him to do that?!!? HAHA!! Later on she also lost a finger when I had a hornet land on my shirt when I was holding her. I screamed and she went flying. She landed flat on her face so if the kid down the street hadn't knocked her nose off I certainly would have!! Oh well. Thankfully, I didn't pay much for her to begin with. : ) And finally, I have a picture of my red-headed "I did nothing to help with this yard sale but I sure as heck want the money you got for my Nerf guns" son, Trevor. He did get on my good side though when he brought me several large glasses of ice water without giving me an argument.

I did tell you before that it's the simple things that make me very happy!!
Many blessings ~ Wendy
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