
Autumn Porches in All Their Splendor . . .

My little cottage has a little porch. Just enough room for mums, a few little pumpkins and a garland of autumn leaves around the porch railing. It has always been a dream of mine to have one of those huge country porches that wrap around the front of the house. This time of the year, especially!!

For now, I'll have to live vicariously thru other peoples' porches . . .

That shouldn't be so hard to do. In fact, it's kind of enjoyable!!

A perfect autumn vignette.

The perfect autumn house color.

Mum's the word on this porch!! : )

Perfect for cuddling up with a book and a good, hot cup of coffee.

I just adore the colors of this Bed and Breakfast. Perfect for fall!!

I've also decided that, when I get my dream wrap-around country porch, this is going to be my perfect autumn view.

Thanks for porch-hopping with me!! : )

Many blessings ~ Wendy


  1. Those are beautiful, honey! I understand what you mean. Mine is large but not near what I want it to be....

  2. Those porches are all beautiful. I don't have very much of a porch either......so I have to make due with a pumpkin and a mum or two.
    I have been fall decorating all day and just stopped to read a little before bed. Your pictures are a perfect end to this day. Thanks!

  3. Hello Wendy~I've just strolled into your blog for my first visit...I've enjoyed taking a peek at your past posts. What beauty, especially your kitty! I loved your adoption story. I've adopted a couple strays myself. It really touches the heart to see them so sweet and happy with just a little TLC. My Angel came into my life at 4ozs sixteen years ago. I love happy endings.

    The one thing that can cheer me up as I watch summer come to a close is... the anticipation of fall and all the autumnal colors that come with it. Providing creative inspiration for crafts and events.

    I've bookmarked you in my favs.
    I look forward to coming by your charming blog again.
    Come by for a visit. Your company would be nice.

    Sweet wishes,


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