
Cupcakes on My Mind . . .

Have you noticed how "over the top" popular cupcakes have become? Not just cupcakes but cupcake toppers and cupcake liners, too. Our local newspaper did an article on some of the best places in my area to buy cupcakes and how the number of new businesses that sell them are definitely on the increase.

I wanted to share some of my faves with you.

We love you Martha . . .

Oh yes we do!!

How beautiful is this?!!? The best of both worlds!!

So many cupcakes!!

So little time!!

An "apple" for the new teacher!!

Tomorrow, I'll show you some of my favorite toppers and liners. In the meantime, always remember . . .

Many Blessings ~ Wendy


  1. Hi Wendy,

    What a wonderful blog - so glad you left me the link....and as for your cupcake feature!!! Well, I am in the middle of making a Cupcake Fairy - so have to admit to being caught up in cupcake madness myself.

    Lovely to hear from you and LOVE your blog. Carol :)

  2. OHHHHH. Those look SO good. I am really craving a cupcake right now! Actually, there is a wonderful cupcake shop here in Savannah that I have never tried.

    UMMMM....Weekend coming....LONG weekend....maybe I will just go downtown and check out that cupcake shop!

  3. Hi Wendy, these cakes have made me hungry!Lovely pictures. Thanks so much for dropping by Beach Vintage and leaving a comment.


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