
A Dream Come True . . .

For as long as I can remember, it has been a dream of mine to be present for the birth of a baby. I've had three of my own but I wanted to be able to be there for someone else and to experience the incredible miracle of life as it unfolds.

This is my incredibly beautiful and wonderful sister-in-law, Michelle, who made this happen for me. In this picture she's in between some very heavy duty and extremely painful back labor pains.

Here is the man with the epidural that made those very heavy duty and extremely painful back labor pains much more tolerable.

Go Giants!! (I had to throw that in there!! )

Once Michelle was comfortable, I took advantage of a few photo opps. Being that she arrived at the hospital already at 7 centimeters, we knew there wouldn't be a whole lot of time for pictures before the little one decided to make a grand entrance.

Everything progressed so quickly that we didn't even have enough time to fill out the board in Michelle's room!!

Michelle's mom (aka my mother-in-law) and her cousin Lauren. Lauren and I held Michelle's legs for her and coached her while delivering the baby.

This is Michelle's wonderful Doctor. He was so busy that nite. He told Michelle that she was an Obstetrician's dream with the way things were progressing so quickly. : )

I am truly in awe of what a woman can endure to bring a new life into this world. After several minutes of pushing, I saw the baby crown and then be born. I heard the baby cry as the first breaths of life were taken. I sobbed as I took in all that had just taken place so very quickly.

Please allow me the honor of introducing to you my newest nephew, Jason Allen Geron, who was born on September 16th at 5:57 pm. and weighed a very healthy 8 lbs. 6 oz. and is 20 inches long.

He is perfect in every way and has very healthy lungs !!

Michelle holding Jason for the very first time. I get teary eyed just looking at this again.

After baby Jason was examined and Michelle was ready, it was time to bring in Big Brother Andre to see his Baby Brother for the first time.

At first, I don't think Andre knew what to think about the new baby that was in his Mom's arms and he kind of just took it all in for a bit.

Then suddenly . . .

I think he started to like the idea of being the Big Brother in the family!!

My mother and father-in-law and Michelle with her two boys.

All clean and shiny after his sponge bath. Isn't it amazing how much they change even in the first couple of hours after they're born?

Aunt Wendy and Jason.

Before I left, I told Michelle that she made a dream come true for me and that the birth of her son ranked up there with the births of my sons. I will never, ever forget the experience of bringing Jason into this world and I don't know that I'll ever be able to talk about it without getting goose bumps.

Many blessings ~ Wendy


  1. I felt like I was rading my own wish.
    I have wanted to be present at a birth for forever.
    Even before I had My Babies...and Even since I have had My Three.

    My Wish may reamin unfufilled til My Kids have babies and Hopefully want their Mum there.

    I am glad it came true for you.
    And even better that it was a quick birth!
    I was emotional just looking and reading of it all!

  2. thanks for stopping by my blog!! I love getting new visitors...and I had to stop by yours and I love it..so I have you on my blog list..I am trying to get my little sister to let me see her having her 3rd baby..since I have never had any..I would love to experience it..but I live in washington and she is in Utah..so kind of hard to predict..you have a cute little nephew...take care and I look forward to reading up on you..I already scrolled through yours..:)where are you from?


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