
Oh How I Love Thee, October . . .

Pretty dramatic title, huh? : ) The month of October brings out the best in me. I LIVE for this month!! It's only 31 days long so I try to savor every moment of it. My favorite holiday falls in October. You know the one I'm talking about. Think candy ~ lots and lots of candy!!

Another thing that I love about October are the autumn skies. I swear they just seem to move in overnite.

What is more beautiful than fiery red and orange leaves against a brilliant blue sky?

Why is it that autumn skies seems so much more intensely blue?

Mother Nature does some of her best work in October, doesn't she?

These photos take my breath away!!

Just gorgeous.

This is probably my most favorite of all.

May your October be filled with thirty one days of brilliant autumn skies!!

Many blessings ~ Wendy


  1. Wow I love all of those photos and the brilliant colors too..I love october too..love where the sun sits at certain times of the day..you can just feel/tell it is October..did you take these photos by chance? have a great weekend savoring it..:)

  2. I love the photos and I LOVE October as well!

  3. Hi Wendy. Each of those pictures are exceptional. They sure make me want to slow down and be more reflective of God and his goodness.
    Thank you for sharing.

    Please stop by for a visit anytime.

  4. Hi Wendy, Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your blog is really fun!
    Have a blessed Sunday.


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