
Ready or Not Here They Come . . .

I've honestly been trying to block any thoughts of the impending holidays but the reality is that they're just around the corner ~ ready or not. Last nite, we were able to all sit down for a nice Sunday dinner. Since son #1 has gotten older and now has his license this has become more and more of a rare occasion. I'm sure the fact that I was cooking roast beef, homemade mashed potatoes and gravy had a lot to do with him being here. Whatever works!! : ) I took the opportunity to tell them that they had to start making their Christmas lists. Jim and I are going to start doing a little shopping at a time so I don't turn into a crazy woman mid-December when nothing has been done yet. Son #3 still believes in Santa which makes it fun. Son #2 told me last nite that he wishes he still believed because that made Christmas much more exciting then knowing it is your parents that set up all the gifts under the tree. I told him that there is a part of me that will ALWAYS believe there's a Santa and he got a gleem in his beautiful eyes. I think I had just given him permission to feel the same way and that made me very happy. : )

When I was playing around on the computer this morning I found some wonderful pictures of my version of a Country Christmas. Most of these photos came from Country Living magazine, either here in the States or abroad. I hope you enjoy them!!

I just love how Christmas isn't about just red and green anymore. Aqua and white are so pretty and peaceful which is how our holidays should feel.

Isn't this railing so, so pretty? I love how the greens pool at the bottom of the stairs. Everything flows so beautifully.

I loved this adorable country Christmas card holder. It doesn't hold very many cards but I would use it for my extra special ones that I hold onto year after year. I'm always on the lookout for a pretty card holder and have found several nice ones over the years. Currently, I'm using a vintage looking basket that has an old advertisement on the front for Better Homes & Gardens. I think I found it in Target a couple of years ago.

A pretty little Advent calendar that you can
make yourself.

What little girl (or grown up little girl) wouldn't love this fairy stocking?!!?

I hope you have a wonderful day!!

Many blessings ~ Wendy


  1. Love the photos...great ideas...yeah my mom told me about Santa when I was in 6th grade and only because my little sister who was in 4th grade..(her teacher) told the whole class there was no santa..so Melanie came home and told my mom..so she told me right before christmas..needless to say I was devestated..would love to be a kid at christmas again when I believed..it was pure magic..;)

  2. Oh my goodness, is it that time of year again already??? Great ideas!
    xoxo, Tiffany

  3. What a lovely post to help us get in the spirit of Christmas!

  4. Gorgeous Wendy!
    I belive in Santa in the eyes of Little children now~
    It was pure magic as a child and when my 3 were small....

  5. cindymeguiar@yahoo.comOctober 19, 2009 at 11:19 PM

    Love the photos! I'm ready!!!

  6. I found you via Kitschen Pink's blog, you had left a comment and I was curious, intrigued by the name of your blogspot, so came over for a look. I am in Norfolk, in the UK by the way, and have to tell you I loved those photos. I have a wire heart that I used for my Christmas cards last year, well some of them, the rest spilled over onto the stairs where they were displayed on lengths of ribbon attached to the spindles. But the heart is so lovely, it is now in my workroom, adorned with photos, postcards and so on from dear friends, and I now have to find something else for the Christmas cards! Lovely blog, enjoyed it very much.

  7. love the pics! we love Christmas, so far only 2/5 no longer believe in Santa *sob*

  8. I used to not like when non-traditional colours were used at Christmas. It just didn't feel right.

    Now that I am living in HOT Australia and Christmas day is often 104 F I am reconsidering my opinions. The pale aqua blue looks refreshing and cooling.

    A good thing when you feel like a boiled lobster!

  9. These are such great images, but I'm just not sure I'm ready to see them. :-) Have a great day...
    pk @ Room Remix


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