
Truly Inspiring . . .

On Wednesday I watched Oprah. Today I am a different person.

Stephanie Clark-Nielson, a fellow blogger who can be found here, was a guest on Oprah's show along with her husband Christian. For those of you who haven't heard of Nie Nie or have never visited her blog please go visit it now to read about her remarkable and miraculous journey that she's been on since last August when she, Christian and their pilot/friend were in a horrific plane crash.
(photo from Oprah.com)

You can also go to Oprah.com to see an incredible video of a young mother who has been having a difficult time finding joy in being a stay-at-home mom and how spending a day with Nie Nie and her family has changed that for her.
This truly was a life-changing show for me.

Amazing Grace at its finest.

Many blessings ~ Wendy


  1. I have to go see that! Thank you!

    m ^..^

  2. this was amazing...I changed my schedule just to be home to watch this episode, as I have been following nie nie for so long now...even before the plane crash and put a little blib on my blog too when I found she was going to be on oprah....

    true and real inspiration....she's amazing !

  3. Hi Wendy -
    I found your blog thru the Freeshare post - looking forward to following it! Mine is at
    www.nyackbackyard.blogspot.com if you want to check it out.

    Nie Nie has such an inspiring story - I'll be following her blog too from now on!

  4. words simply fail. what an amazing person she is, to tackle such a hard thing, truly inspiring! thanks for posting as i had not had time to see it.

    yapping cat

  5. boy Wendy that does put things in perspective doesn't it..I have been to her blog and go on occasion..this is sad but yet she is an inspiration isn't she..:)

  6. Thank you for sharing. I hope to catch this when it finally comes on over here. We're months behind with Oprah, and I am not a regular viewer... I can't believe it's been over a year already. She's amazing.

  7. wow, just went to see this! amazing story

    we are about 6 months behind here, I going to oprah's site

    thanks for link


  8. cindymeguiar@yahoo.comOctober 9, 2009 at 7:48 PM

    I saw that, which is unusal since I don't usually watch Oprah. I was blessed by her story! It certainly helps me to refocus my priorities and puts a whole lot of stuff in perspective.

  9. Just found your lovely blog and I too watched that Oprah show..I was deeply moved as well! Pure Grace! Off to read some more of your lovely blog!

  10. Oh NieNie! I have followed her recovery blog and she is such a hero isn't she? So is her husband and family.Their Faith and Love of The Lord is so amazing.
    I think she's even more beautiful than before.
    Thanks for sharing this,my friend.

  11. I would so love to be able to see that episode. Here in Australia we can watch on Foxtel but it is older episodes. I have no idea when it will air here? I have followed her story through CJane over the last year. An amazing family....

  12. Hi Wendy,
    Oh....I'm up in our mountain cabin a few hours north of where I live taking in the beautiful fall colors. I have not heard the story you featured but could almost feel "the spirit" of what's there start melting my heart. I'm going to check it out, with a big box of tissues, when I get home. These types of people, who take the worst and turn it into something that inspires in life-changing ways are truly God's messengers.

    Thanks for stopping by and for posting such inspiration!


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