
Lots of Pictures . . .

As promised, here are the photos from our visit to the Botanical Gardens Train Show. Please keep in mind that all of these structures are made with materials that were supplied solely by Mother Nature. What a gal that Mother Nature is!! : )

We are having very high winds here today and my computer went down twice while I was trying to load the pictures. I wanted to add some witty little comments but I would've been beside myself if I lost this entry so you'll have to go without my wit today. : )

On a completely different note, we go for our BIG sonogram today. I'm almost 20 weeks pregnant so we should be able to find out what we're having. I've taken one of those "pee" tests from the drug store and we had a 3D sono a couple of weeks ago and they both said that we were having a girl. We think, if Baby V cooperates today, it will be the determining factor. No matter what, pink or blue, we are over the moon. We have three sons so I have to admit that the prospect of a little girl is just a little bit exciting to me. I will certainly keep you all posted. : )

Many blessings ~ Wendy


  1. Hello Wendy :)
    I so enjoyed the pictures of your train show. We have something similar here in Pittsburgh. When I was a little girl I can remember visiting the display and being in awe. Thanks for sharing!! I can't wait to hear how your sonogram goes today. A new baby is SOOOOOO exciting. I will be anxiously awaiting the news :)

  2. those pictures are truly amazing..what great work went into those..they are amazing..I can't wait to hear what you are having..:)

  3. how exciting, wendy! i didn't realize that you had a bun in the oven (tee hee). so fun!

    beautiful pics. crazy windy here today, too!


  4. What a fun visit!! Can't wait to hear about the sonogram.
    Blessings to you and your family this New Year!


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