
Close to Perfect . . .

We've been spending a lot of time in Cornwall lately.  We're hoping to make it our new home next year.  More than any other time of the year, fall is when I want to be there the most.  If someone took me on a drive, blindfolded me and dropped me in the middle of the town, I'd take off my blindfold and swear I was in Vermont.  Its small town feel reminds me of how I grew up.  No place is perfect but it certainly comes close to meeting all of my criteria for perfection!!  : )

We visited Jones' Farm in hopes of bringing home a pumpkin or two but my perfect little angel (do you detect a hint of sarcasm??) below decided that she was going to be in a mood and complain about pretty much everything.  It was windy out that day and she was cold (although it was in the low 60's!!) so the hay ride to the pumpkin patch was out and the pumpkins that had been pre-picked were too small to carve so they were out too. 

Magical rocks in the gift shop.

So we settled on visiting the barnyard to see the miniature ponies, goats and chickens. We were even lucky enough to finally see Miss Fern out of the barn.  She's been a part of the Jones' Farm family for a couple of years now and this was actually the first time she was out of the barn when we were there.  She was enjoying the sun and didn't even bother to look at us when we talked to her and told her how pretty she was.  : )

The view from the gift shop.

As you can see, the foliage still looks pretty good here but it's been so strange this year with some trees not even reaching peak yet and others having lost most of their leaves.  To top it off, there's a chance of SNOW in the forecast for this weekend!!!!  Oh my, that Mother Nature is quite the comedian, isn't she??  NOT!!!  : )

Many blessings for a very happy day ~ Wendy


mamasmercantile said...

What a beautiful trip out with stunning views. I cannot believe that snow is being predicted so soon...lets hope they have got it wrong. Have a wonderful week.

sage and spirit said...

It does look like the perfect place, and I hope things work out and you do move to Cornwall! Small town living is the only way to go! And bring on that snow!! ;)

NY KitchenMama said...

Beautiful! And I love the pig just basking in the sun

Megan said...

Such gorgeous photos! Cornwall looks downright magical...good luck with relocating! We're hoping to move to New Hampshire in the summer. P.S. i really want that pig. It's adorable. :)