With the turn of a page, the calendar is saying winter. Mother Nature isn't giving up autumn without a fight though. It's in the low 50's here in New York. Bright blue skies prevail and the couple of inches of snow that fell the day before Thanksgiving are mostly just a memory now.
This morning I cut up my pumpkins and threw them into the yard for the wildlife to eat. I started to take down the autumnal (I LOVE that word!!!) bits and bobs and then I looked in my hall closet for the easy access Christmas ones. Most are packed away upstairs until decorating goes into full swing. Hopefully, this will be in the next couple of days while my honey is off from work.
Just a few things on the window sills so far . . .
. . . and a strand of vintage jingle bells in the bathroom.
I'd really like to cut down our own tree this year but we wouldn't be able to do that until December 13th due to schedules around here. I thought about giving in and visiting our favorite roadside stand again so we could have our tree up earlier until yesterday when my oldest son told me he was upset with us that we got our tree and decorated it without him last year. Who'd a thought it?!!? Lol!! So now I'm torn but thinking December 13th might be okay since he won't be home from college until then. Those of you who have older children are probably familiar with how they sometimes go thru a phase where things like decorating Christmas trees and carving pumpkins aren't at the top of their list of fun things to do anymore. Then, just like that, it becomes fun again. I think this has a lot to do with maturity and tradition. I've always told the boys and now my daughter how important family and traditions are. I love that he's coming back around with this again and I'll be sure to put aside a box of his special ornaments just for him to put on the tree. : )
I'm also vowing here to keep the next few weeks leading up to Christmas simple. I vow to stay within my budget and to not be wrapping presents still at 1 am on Christmas Eve. I vow to have some sense of organization for a change. From my mouth to God's ears!! : )
Many blessings for a wonderful Monday ~ Wendy
What a wonderful start to the season, the vintage bells are a real delight. There is nothing nicer than putting the tree up with all the family, I miss that now that they have all left home. Have a wonderful week.
I love that you continue the traditions in your family! Heading into the woods and cutting down a tree was one of my favorite things to do!
We keep our Christmas simple too. Handmade gifts, good food, and family. Makes for the best memories!
Love the decorations you have up so far! We have yet to get our tree, though the girls tree from the Christmas Fairy is already in their room, or put up our window candles. Hopefully this weekend we'll get to do that! Grace has decreed that we should buy our tree on the 11th. We're not sure why but she seems to feel that's a good day to do so. :) xo
i love your peace gnome and your vintage balls... we too, are gonna try and keep it simple this holiday season
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