
My Word . . .

The last couple of years, I've picked a word to use as a focal point for the upcoming new year.  I happened to choose the same word  for the last two years.  That word was " Release."  It usually comes to me in an intuitive manner.  Many of my thoughts come to me this way, actually, if I'm able to clear my mind enough to receive the messages. That's not always easy with four kids, three cats and two dogs!!  : )

This year's word is  . . .    SOAR  ~   To rise or fly into the air.  To increase or improve suddenly above the normal or usual level.

On January 12th, I will be 48 years old.  To type that number is surreal to me.  I don't have a problem with this number.  In fact, it's just the opposite.  I feel so blessed that I am here to celebrate it.  So many people never get to see this number.  What has been going on in my mind is this whole aging process.  The idea of being in the middle years of my life.  Feeling like a kid still yet looking in the mirror and seeing the aging process happening right before my eyes.  I think this middle age thing is a part of our journey that teaches us the lesson of acceptance that there are things that we can change and there are things that we just have to accept.  I'm in a transitional period of doing both. 

In my 20's, 30's and early 40's I never really felt the sense of urgency that middle age is now giving me.  I think about things that I've always wanted to do but have never either taken the time to do or have never been afforded the opportunity to.

Last week, I sold my first photograph in my new Etsy shop. Someone liked my photo enough to pay for it.  I'm smiling as I type this.  Actually, the first time the word "soar" came into my mind was when I was celebrating this.

The photograph that I sold last week.  : )
I stopped making resolutions years ago because I've never been good at holding myself accountable to them.  It's not something that I'm happy with myself for but it's who I am and, for the most part, I truly love who I am.  So why set myself  up for failure??  LOL!!!  Instead, I'm focusing on making choices that give me "peace" of mind.

Yes, Wendy, it's time to SOAR!!!  : )

Happy Tuesday to you all!!!!


sage and spirit said...

First of all, congratulations on the sale of your photo! May you sell many more this year!

Second, 48 is way young. I've got some years on you and I'm still traveling and hiking and crawling around in caves and not at all acting my age. This is the time to explore what life is all about!

You're going to *soar* this year and I'm going to be right here to see it happen!


Junkchiccottage said...

Congrats on your sale. Woooo Hoooo so wonderful.
You will soar this year for sure. Looking forward to seeing you soar!

mamasmercantile said...

What a great achievement selling your first photograph, congratulations. Wishing you a wonderful 48th birthday with many more to come. May you soar as high as you can throughout the coming year.

Mariah said...

Yes!!! Congratulations!! Selling a photograph.... What an awesome thing! Picking a word as a mantra for the year is an inspiring thing to do! I may have to join you. I wanted to try and do some things for me this year, anything really, but it feels a bit daunting abd perhaps unrealistic with so many little ones... We will see, perhaps my word will be 'breathe' or 'slow' or I don't know... But you've got me thinking for sure.

Jen Kershner said...

Beautiful! I think you have a great outlook. I hadn't thought about the sense of urgency. I'm sure that will come to me soon. I do feel it about my youngest who will go off to college in 4 1/2 years and I feel an urgency to teach her everything I need to. I remember feeling that way with my oldest too. So I'm sure a general sense of urgency is in my future! ;)

Elizabeth said...

Yes, SOAR indeed - happy birthday and new year and happy middle-age!
Honestly it's a very good time when you can let go of lots of things and embrace others.
Well done selling a photo!
This is great news - but you are a super photographer.
I was just 65 - officially old- and I feel about 8 still!
wishing you all good things