Since my romance with photography began, I've developed a fondness for railroad tracks. Becoming an obsessed fan of The Walking Dead in the last few years has only added to this fascination. If you are a follower of TWD then you know what I'm talking about. : )
This railroad trestle is a couple of miles from us and, in all honesty, the first time I ever saw it was at night when I was driving under it in the dark. It kinda creeped me out. I remember reading a book as a child about a town that was forever changed by the suicide of a kid who jumped off the local trestle. I think that always stuck with me.
The trestle is huge and made of now-rusted metal. It has such a presence. I knew I wanted to photograph it as soon as I saw it. Someday I'd like to get down a little closer. I'm sure there's a way.
While taking a photo of the tracks above, I was greeted by the train below. Having to sit and wait for a slow moving train, interrupting your busy day, to me, is the epitome of small town living. And when you're lucky enough to be the first car at the crossing (or unlucky enough, depending on how you look at it!!) you can get a great pic. : )
Happy Wednesday ~ Wendy : )
Please tell me the tracks in the last photo do NOT lead to Terminus. ;)
But that bridge....what a great subject to photograph! There really is something about railroad bridges. Something that speaks of freedom.
Great series of photos, Wendy.
I love the last photo
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