My normally happy and full of ants in her pants girl has been home sick this week with a virus that has run thru her class at school. She's had a fever since early Tuesday morning. I think she's coming to the end of its run but we're going to keep her home until Monday just in case. One of her little friends went back too soon and ended up being sick another couple of days. No "two thumbs up" for her this week!! : (
We've had clouds and rain since Sunday. I have to admit it's been kind of nice not having to get out of bed right away to get her to school in the morning and, in all honesty, this is my absolute favorite kind of weather. We've had the fireplace going still until we ran out of dry wood the other day. Someone forgot to cover up the wood the last time some was brought in. All I know is it wasn't me. : )
I was looking thru some old photos to post since I haven't been taking many these last couple of days. I came across a bunch that I took of turkey vultures hanging out in a mostly dead tree back in December. I was going to the bank and I happened to have my camera with me and they were all just up there looking very ominous. Perfect rainy day photo!!
Another perfect rainy day photo!! These two girlies from last spring. An oldie but a goodie!! : )
My love has been working the last six nights in a row but now has a few days off. Our anniversary was yesterday. We're going to go out on a much needed date night tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to getting out and spending some time alone with him. We're going to try a restaurant that we've never been to before. Stepping out of our box a bit. : )
Happy Thursday!! ~ Wendy
hope she feels better soon! Love the picture with the sweet
I am so sorry to hear that your sweet girl has been under the weather this week, though if there was ever a week to be home sick from school this one was it! My two are going stir crazy since they have not been outside like they usually are! It it was a warm rain they totally would be but it's way too cold to go out and play in it!
Happy anniversary! I hope you two had a wonderful time celebrating and that the restaurant was yummy! Here's to many more wonderful years together! xo
Happy anniversary, wishing you both many more happy years together. Hope you enjoy the restaurant, a change and something new can be good. Hope she feels better soon, bless her!
Hope Miss Megan is feeling better! We've had days in the 80's....which I DO NOT like this early in the year. Trade you for some rain!
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