
Sunday Sayings . . .

https://www.google.com/search?q=decision to take care of yourself:

I definitely needed to read this today.  Things don't always work out the way you had planned, hoped or wanted but sometimes, a lot of the time, it is out of our control and the Universe/God has other plans.  It is when you stop trying to swim against the current that these different plans will start to unfold and show themselves to you.  If you're struggling with difficulties in your life and not sure which way to proceed, I think the above "Sunday Saying" is a great guideline to start with.  Life is too short to not be happy.  My belief is that everyone is on their own path and, sometimes, we are the ones keeping someone else from continuing on that path.  Trust your instincts.  They never fail you.  : )

Many blessings for a peaceful Sunday and a beautiful week ahead ~ Wendy


sage and spirit said...

I love how the right quotes appear at the right time. This is one of them.

Anonymous said...

this is the perfect mantra to start the week.
blessings to you and yours for the new week ahead!

mamasmercantile said...

A great one to keep and read occasionally. Very wise words. Hope all is well with you and your family. Take care.

Jen Kershner said...

That's such a fantastic list, isn't it? I'm always inspired by meaningful words!