
Today's Reminders . . .

Happy belated Thanksgiving to those that celebrated yesterday!!  We had a wonderful day.  It was laid back and full of laughter and great food.  I didn't take any photos.  Mainly because I didn't feel like arguing with my kids and nieces and nephews while trying to get a photo of them.  They're all at THAT age.  You probably know what I'm talking about.  : )

This year's Thanksgiving mantle.

As we enter this season of hustle and bustle, I thought I'd share something that I came across recently.  I'm pinning it up next to my computer so that I can remind myself every day.

Today's Reminders:

1)  Be kind

2)  Be grateful

3)  Listen to your intuition

4)  Be productive but calm

5)  Trust the timing of your life

6)  Let go of what you can't control

I'm going to start by letting go of the fact that I can't get the numbers to line up and still be centered.  GRRRRR!!!!  : )

We're going to be taking it easy today.  I'd like to start some Christmas decorating and I'd like to focus on number 4 above as best as I can with a six year old that's being just a wee bit (when I say "just a wee bit" I mean OBNOXIOUSLY) moody this morning.  I'll let you know how it goes.  : )

Wishing you a happy and peaceful weekend ~ Wendy


  1. Love that list of reminders. Glad to hear you had a wonderful celebration, photos aren't always necessary you will still have your memories. Take care.

  2. Glad you had a relaxing and fun holiday. You do sound pretty laid back today....hang on to that feeling!

    Great list of reminders. I think I'll print that out and keep it close!

    Have a great weekend and take time to enjoy each day.

  3. I am glad you focused on celebrating and making memories rather than snapping photos! Your mantle is lovely and your "focus" list is even better!!! Live Thankfully!


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