
Valentine's Day Just a Few Days Late . . .

On Tuesday (Valentine's Day)  I awoke to candy and flowers and a beautiful card waiting for me in the kitchen.  Thank you, my love.  : )  After I dropped Megan off at school I drove home wishing that I had my camera with me.  I haven't been taking many photos lately and I start to get a feeling of withdrawal when this happens.  The light was so pretty so my camera and I took a ride around town to see what caught our eye.  As usual, I wasn't disappointed.  We live in such a beautiful town and I took over 150 photos.  I went down by the river and into some little neighborhoods that I haven't been in before.  I thought I'd share a few of the hearts that I found scattered about.  My honey called me from work to ask if it was okay that he worked a few extra hours so that his co-worker that was coming in for the overnight shift could take his girlfriend out to dinner and score some points with her.  I remember those days of wanting to make the special occasions extra special.  We've been together for 11 years now. He makes me feel special and appreciated most every other day of the year.  He also knows I'm pretty much a sure thing.  No dinner and alcohol needed.  : )

~ Wendy


  1. These are sweet photos, Wendy. Like you, my hubby makes me feel special everyday - we're very blessed!

  2. We are certainly blessed my husband makes me feel special every day too and we have been married 36 years this year.

  3. I do love that mantle. You know, you've got me looking closer at houses with fireplace mantles in our Colorado home search!
    And such a thoughtful Valentine's Day.....here's to the great guys we share our lives with!
    Have a great week!


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