We're getting ready to batten down the hatches here in New York. There is a rather LARGE nor'easter heading our way apparently, complete with snow measuring in feet not inches and high winds. We're more inland so the wind won't be as bad for us but we're still piling up the porch with firewood just in case we lose power. After spring like weather last week we're now in the midst of twenty degrees below normal temperatures. I'm hoping the little buds popping thru the ground will be able to survive.
Son number one, Connor, headed out today to catch a plane to Wisconsin for his first ever business trip. He'll be gone for a week, including St. Patrick's Day. : ( He's so calm about traveling alone. I don't know how I'd feel about it. I'm the first to admit I rely way too much on my husband when it comes to the details of getting to the airport and checking in and all the other things that go with it. Since he was very young, Connor has been pretty much fearless when it comes to new experiences. I've always tried to give my kids their freedom and their wings as often as I can. It's so different from when I was a child and we were free to roam and not have to check in until dinner time. We were safe and never really worried about bad things happening to us. Not that bad things didn't happen. We were just blessed to live in a town where we felt safe. I made him promise he'd text when he was safe and sound in his hotel room. Thankfully his flights there and back shouldn't be effected by the weather. How ironic that he's avoiding a snow storm by going to Wisconsin. BRRRR!!!
Now I'm off to pop a chicken in the oven. I hope you're having a beautiful and peaceful Sunday!!
~ Wendy xo
I know this sounds a strange thing to say but I would love to batten down some hatches and weather a storm. Our weather now apart from the odd anomaly is just the same all year round. Winter is consistently low grey skies and rain and summer can be just the same. It's so boring.
It would be so nice to have definite seasons again.
Stay safe-x-
Oh my gosh, the idea of going to Wisconsin to avoid a snow storm made me laugh! And having grown up in WI, I can relate to the safe, small town life style. How I miss those days!
We're battening down our own hatches here....but in a completely different way. Mr Sage will be firing up the cooler as the temps are predicted to hit 80 degrees early next week.
Want to trade? I am soooo not ready for the desert heat.
As my mom would always say, stock up on the essentials (and a good bottle or two of wine) and ride out the storm. Hope you all come through this nor'easter safe and sound!
Hope you have the means to heat water if the power goes...you can do so much comforting with hot water...bottles...tea...and if you can boil water you can cook a meekly...yum... x
How exciting for your son!
Do hope he has a great time.
Yes, this storm might be a huge one.
I’m off this morning to stock up.
We're getting the same storm, but as always, New York enjoys the bonus of snow picked up from the lakes ;) It's nice to see our kids testing the waters on their own. I'm sure your son is excited for his trip. Have a great week!
My husband went to the market yesterday but there are still a few things I want to pick up today. Already have our milk and bread!! 😀💜💜
Be safe Wendy!! 💜💜
Unfortunately everything in our house is electric. We could always roast weanies over the fireplace though. Lol!! 😀💜💜
Yuck! I prefer my weather! Lol! It was 17 degrees when I drove my daughter to school this morning. 😕💜💜
To be honest I'm excited. I just wish my husband didn't have to work. I'll take photos so you can live vicariously through our weather. Lol!! 😀💜💜
I am commenting on Monday, and we too are battening down the hatches. We are higher than you are, but the snow seems to be an "equal opportunity" storm. -sigh-
Went to the grocery store, and got gas.... Those things...
Our fireplace has been long, switched to gas. So we can't really get much heat out of it. So I really hope, we don't have to try.
Yish!!! March is really having "hissy fits" this year!!!
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