
A Visit to Jones' Farm . . .

On Friday, Jim was off from work so we drove to our favorite local farm for some lunch and to pick up some Irish Soda Bread for Friday night's feast.  Jone's Farm is in Cornwall and is the best little place to visit for an hour or two.  They now have their cafe opened.  Not many food choices but what they offer is so good that you don't need a lot of choices.  

Outdoor patio covered in snow. 

These were our views from our table . . .

Some of last year's sunflowers.

 It wasn't just about winter.  There were some signs of spring as well!!

Jim ordered the fish tacos while I opted for the marinated eggplant, red roasted peppers and fresh mozzarella with pesto on a toasted brioche bun.  Absolutely delicious!! 

After lunch, we ordered our bread and some cookies and I took a few photos while waiting for everything to be boxed up.  

They have a wonderful gift shop upstairs but we didn't visit it this time around.  Instead we stopped to take a few more photos of the barnyard crew. 

There was so much snow piled up in front of the barnyard fence that I couldn't get close enough to feed or pet any of the animals.  Otherwise, I'm the first to put my hand in to pet them.  : )

Catching some rays!!

This beauty came over to the car looking for food.  Jim was not going to give up any of the Irish Soda Bread!!  : )

Here's to a very happy Monday and a very happy first day of spring!!  xo

~ Wendy


  1. What a beautiful place.
    I love those sunflowers against the snow-x-

  2. That's alot of snow! And I like that mountain behind Jones Farm. Do you get up that way very often? I bet the views are spectacular.

  3. I wish we had someplace like that near us. I would love to visit with the animals and have a yummy lunch with my hubby. Sounds wonderful and your photos are beautiful and crisp and clear!

  4. What a delightful place, to be able to visit!!!!!

  5. Great photos, Wendy. I'm going to have to take a field trip to Jones Farms one of these days. Sounds like my kind of place.

  6. Beautiful. And so much snow! Its so lovely to see some signs of spring. X


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