
Monday, Monday . . .

It's been very cold and windy here again.  Perfect kite flying weather. 

Or is it??  : )

Despite the frigid temperatures . . .

Can you spot the moon?

There it is!!

There are still definite signs of spring. 

And we have our own personal ray of sunshine to warm things up!!  : )

Many blessings ~ Wendy


  1. Such a lovely happy face could definitely melt ice. Everywhere looks beautiful, but oh so cold! I hope you get warmer weather soon.

  2. Bare trees of winter, have their own beauty... :-)

    And I love the ice-and-sticks photo.

    Your own sunshine! Yes! How lucky you are, to still be in these lovely family days. Enjoy! They grow up, "in a moment." Or so it can seem.

    Gentle hugs,
    Luna Crone

  3. Lovely photos, especially of your daughter, what a gorgeous smile.


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