
More of the White Stuff . . .

Note to self: fill bird deer feeder.



Schools are closed today.  My honey is home.  Only Connor (our oldest son) had to leave the house for work this morning.  The rest of us are inside, still in our jammies, enjoying the still falling snow.  I'm going to be catching up on laundry, aka climbing Mount Washmore, and working in my Etsy shops.  We're also keeping an eye on another possible big storm for the beginning of next week.  Snowy months of March seem to be the pattern the last few years other then last year when we had next to no snow all winter.  You get that little tease of spring with the warmer temperatures and the buds on the trees and the heat off and the windows open and then Mother Nature gets PMS and shows us who's boss.  I'll still take this over hazy, hot and humid ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!!  : )

Here's to a beautiful weekend!!  xo

~ Wendy


  1. Wow, enough snow to mess with life. And you are not that far south. From us, I mean.

    Must look at weather, again.

    Get your washing done, Dear!!! :-) We are only 2, at home, now. And still seem to have a lot of washing. I have a white one, waiting for me, right now.

  2. Goodness! We haven't had any snowfall this winter - would you let us borrow the snow for just 24 hours? The grandchildren would love to get out there and make a snowman. A day at home in your pj's, enjoying the stillness of a snow day sounds great. I hope the storm comes to nothing. Have a lovely weekend.

  3. haha - mother nature getting pms. Brrrr....that looks awful to me. By March... just awful. It's been warm here but I'm bracing for when it snows again

  4. March 11...

    We are getting some, up here, this coming week.

    Ahhhh March!!!!

  5. I do love a little snow...but by day three alwYs want it gone! Nothing here that we've had has settled all Winter...ah well maybe next year. x


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