Since moving to our new town almost a year and a half ago, we've met some really wonderful families. We were a little nervous that it wouldn't be easy to make friends because we're definitely one of the older sets of parents in Megan's elementary school and who wants to hang out with a couple of old farts? Haha!! And, my goodness, some of the parents look very young!! I think a few of them are even still in their 20's!! One of the families that we've really come to enjoy spending time with is a family of seven that lives around the corner from us.
It took a while but Jonah definitely came to enjoy having his picture taken!! : ) |
Bryan and Natalye and their five beautiful children (ages 7 and
under!!) have become wonderful friends of ours. Their oldest son Quinn was in Megan's kindergarten class last year and they're in class together again this year in first grade. They also have a son
named Levi who is in kindergarten. He has the same red hair as our son Trevor. : ) I ended up sitting next to Natalye at this year's Back
to School Night and told her that we'd be happy to give the boys a ride
to school if she ever needed us to. They had a new baby and I remember how difficult it was to get out of the house with one or two kids and a newborn, let alone five. It's worked out really well and we are now like a well oiled machine at the drop off line. Quinn is in charge of the doors, Megan grabs the book bags and Levi closes the doors. Easy peasy!! : )
So last week Jim and I watched the three younger kids so Natalye could go on a class trip. I brought my camera along and took the photos that I've posted here (and about 100 more!). Jonah, who is in the first set of photos, is Bryan and Natalye's third son. He is Mr. Personality Plus!! He didn't want me to take his photo at first but then warmed up pretty quickly. Miss Annika, who is their fourth child and their first daughter, wanted nothing to do with the camera. She just wanted to eat her Puffs and change her shirt a few times and hide whenever I pointed the camera in her direction.
Annika's new snow boots that she wore for two weeks straight!! Lol!! I remember my kids doing that with their new Halloween costumes!! |
See that smile behind the blinds? She was such a teaser!! She knew I wanted to take her picture and that was all she'd give me!! Lol!! |
This baby girl, on the other hand, was quite the little ham!! This is Amelia. She is number five and is so laid back and happy!! She almost makes me look forward to having grandchildren. In a few years. No rush. : )
Smiling at her brother. |
My co-babysitter for the first two hours. |
"When's my mom coming home? " wonders Brody. |
Tomorrow I'll be watching them again so Natalye can go to the school and watch Levi get an award during morning opening. I am bound and determined to get a good photo of the elusive Annika!! : )
Happy Thursday!! xo
What a group of sweetiepies, loving that little toothy grin on Amelia. We don't have any little ones around until our first grandchild this summer, it'll be lovely to be around littlies again xx
How much fun!!!!!!!!!!
Oh what gorgeous little people.
I've been getting lots of smiles from my sweet little Marlowe this evening...pure magic as they are very hard to come by but Ruby is always smiling-x-
In that family, I think the baby would _have_ to be laid back!!!!!! :-)))) So good, that she is.
Funny how some kids love the camera, and so don't. Well, not at first anyway. :-)
You've taken some great portraits! I can see the personality of each kid shining through!
Lovely set of photographs of a great bunch of children.
They must love having you as a neighbor!
What gorgeous kids!
Big families really seem lots of fun.
We have 3 grandchildren - and they are bliss!
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