Can you spot the bumble bee? He's in the middle of the photo. : ) |
This lilac bush is blooming right outside my bedroom window. I can't wait to be able to smell it!! |
A cluster of pretty little violets. |
This tree in our back yard had nothing on it last week. It's amazing what a little warm weather, rain and sunshine can do!! |
Can you spot the little woodpecker? I heard him when I was walking back into the house from taking these photos this morning. He's in the middle of the photo, on the right side of the middle branch. |
Now he's on the left side of the middle branch. |
Now he's looking at me!! : ) |
Grape hyacinth. I don't remember seeing these in our yard last year. They smell soooo good!!! |
The woods across the street from us. |
The forsythia has finally bloomed!! |
This part of our garden is currently under construction. The plan is to clean it all out and eventually make it a bigger vegetable garden for next year. This year we're probably just going to throw a box of seeds on it that I found in our local dollar store. They're supposed to be a mixed bunch of annuals that are good for cutting. Next year we'll plant perennials in the garden where the vegetables are and move the vegetables to the bigger space. It's really a nice size and I just may be able to plant potatoes and even watermelon.
The kids are back at school and work today. My love is working as well. With the exception of the five fur babies, I'm home alone for a change. Hallelujah!!! xo
~ Wendy
That is just unbelievable Wendy.
ReplyDeleteJust a few short weeks ago you were taking pictures of snow and now you have a springtime paradise.
Mother Nature is truly awesome.
Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos-x-
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Thank you so much!
I've been doing mailings lists, and blogging, for 20 years. Along the way, I've picked up some tips. -smile-
Luna Crone
Oh how beautiful your spring time is!!! And being a bit below us, yours is much more advanced than ours.
ReplyDeleteOur weather has been warm, and now is cooler, with some days of rain, etc. due. really have to enjoy today's sun, because of what's coming.
And then.... After rain.... When the sun comes out again.... WOW! Everything will really pop.
Gentle Spring-time hugs,
Luna Crone
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Wow! Spring has definitely arrived! I love seeing all the buds and new leaves. And I really miss violets!
ReplyDeleteThat lilac bush outside your window is going to be amazing once it blooms. You've got a great yard with so much potential.
I cut the grass today and moved the fence so Lucky won't run laps in the yard. By the time I was done, it was 81 degrees! Waaaaaay too hot.
Hope you have a great week and the spring weather continues to get better and better!
Such lovely springtime scenes, Wendy! So many pretty blossoms among the beautiful, big trees. I found the little woodpecker :) It's so nice when you can get outside and play in the dirt, finally. We are having such a wet spring, I've not been out too much, so the gardens have to fend for themselves for a bit. Love your little gnome and toadstool. It's always good to have a 'guardian' for the new garden! Enjoy the beautiful spring blooms! xo Karen