
Class Dismissed . . .



Yesterday was my second and last photography class.  All of these photos were shot on the "manual" setting on my camera.  I have to say they make me smile.  I have a long way to go before I feel like it comes naturally to me to use the different settings but this is a good start.  It was such a beautiful day yesterday and we got to walk around and take photos.  Spring, I think, has finally arrived.  There were a few bits of snow here and there in the shady spots but we paid them no mind.  We cooked on the grill for dinner last night and Jim set up our gazebo/tent where we spend most of our warm weather nights eating and chatting with friends.  Today we're having company in the form of my beautiful sister in law and very handsome nephews.  We're hoping to make it to the farmer's market.  : )

Happy Monday!!  ~ Wendy  xo


  1. You have captured such wonderful detail Wendy.
    I absolutely love the window with the different coloured paints but they are all such beautiful photos-x-

  2. Lovely photos!

    Yes, you must have had a super day, to have an outdoor photography class.

    Even-up-North here, it really feels like spring!!! And it feels goooood! I went to an early morning appointment, without coat or over sweater. Just my white shirt and my gray pants. Hooooorayyyyyyyyyy!!!!! :-)

    Enjoy your visitors.

    Happy Spring,
    Luna Crone

  3. Your photos just keep getting better and better! And spring has finally arrived! (Fingers crossed!)

  4. Top student then! Lovely photos and looks like lovely weather to boot. x

  5. Gorgeous blue skies and lovely photos, definitely mastered your craft...

  6. I would say you got an A+ in that class!!
    I love wandering cemeteries and taking photos of the older stones, some have amazing information, if you can still see it.


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