
Some Saturday Randomness . . .

Sunset thru the trees.

Two turkey vultures in our backyard.

If you look closely you can see how his beak turns downward at the tip.  Very vulture-like!!  : )

Megan up a tree.

Definitely not shy in front of the camera!!  : )

I can't wait for that wiggly front tooth to come out!!!!!!

Lots of cold and grey days here lately.

The kids are off from school for the next week due to spring/Easter break.  Jim has a few days off as well.  Megan had a sleepover here last night with her best little girlfriend from where we used to live.  In a few hours we leave for Manhattan to pick up our "adopted" son Jakhai.  We haven't seen him since Christmas break and are really missing him!!  If you don't already know, we met Jakhai and his family seven years ago thru the Fresh Air Fund which is an organization that matches up inner-city kids with us country folk (haha!!) to get them out of the city for a week in the summer.  We fell in love with him and his parents and the rest of his family and have him stay with us during most long school breaks and for most of the summer.  Brendan and Jakhai call each other "brothers from other mothers."  I have to go thru my photos and post some of how much the boys have grown since they first met each other.  It's really incredible how God works sometimes.  We can't imagine our lives without Jay and his family in them!!

Megan and Cybele yesterday.  They've been friends since they were two.

 Brendan and Jakhai in 2013.  These photos make me smile for so many different reasons!!!  : )

Tonight we're going to visit friends that we haven't seen in way too long.  Their son is turning 21 and they're having a party for him.  We're really looking forward to seeing them.  And finally, tomorrow I take my last photography class.  Outdoor photography is the topic so it should be lots of fun.  Any special plans going on for you this weekend?  xo

~ Wendy


  1. Ohh that front-tooth-which-won't-give-up!!!!!! Tooooo cute. :-)

    How lovely to have so many "again-meetings."

    Enjoy your photography class!!!!!

    Nothing much planned here, this weekend. Which is per usual. At our age (80-83) we prefer very not-exciting weekends. And weeks!!!! ,-)

  2. Beautiful scenery...wobbly teeth...how I remember those! x

  3. Love the colors in that first photo. And Megan....she sure is growing up in front of the camera! She's a natural!
    Have a great week with Easter break ahead! We're just sticking close to home for a while.

  4. What a great and wonderful family you have.
    Back in the 70's, I had a young girl from the inner city that I'd pick up and bring out to the farm for weekends. "They" said that after awhile, she became unsettled and sad about having go back to the city and the country visits were detrimental to her. They said, leaving her in her environment was better for her than showing her another side of life that she could never have. I had to stop doing it. I felt so bad.

  5. Lovely photos, I love the fresh air idea, how great for inner city children to get a chance to experience the countryside xx

  6. You can't beat a photo of a kid with a beaming smile.
    Very, very cute-x-

  7. You got some nice shots of the kids. What a great way to start a life-long friendship through the inner city program. My kids used to make friends with other kids when we camped, and there were a couple of kids that stayed in touch for a few years afterwards, but then we just lost touch. It was fun while it lasted though.

    Btw, I forgot to say how much I loved that old stone house in your previous post. Gorgeous colours in the stone work.



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