
A Very Sad Day . . .

"Perhaps they are not stars in the sky . . .


but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pour through . . .

and shine down on us to let us know . . . 


 they are happy. "


My deepest heartfelt condolences to the people of England today and to the families and friends of the victims of this horrific and senseless act of terrorism.  May God bless you and comfort you all.  

 ~ Wendy xo


sage and spirit said...

Well said, Wendy. It is a sad day for all of us.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Beautiful photos...

Lovely words....

On this day, when ..... We really don't know how to best handle the news.

We each handle it, our own way. And it is lovely to know, that there are a group of women out there, who are sort of holding hands with us, as we each try to process the latest horror.

Blogging... I hope it never goes away.

Luna Crone

Angela said...

oh wendy, ive just heared the news.
so much evil and tragedy, my heart aches for those there.

thank you for sharing such beautiful words and pictures xx
blessings on you and your tribe x