They looked so much prettier a few days ago. : ( |
These are my son's plants still waiting to be planted. He promised it will be today. We'll see. : ) |
About to bloom. |
Mr. Bigglesworth was following me. : ) |
This baby sits in the bush outside of my office window and stares at me. At night, he sits in the tree outside of the living room window and tweets at the top of his lungs. This happens almost every night at the same time. Very sweet but very loud!! : ) | |
I've been home since Sunday with a little girl with strep throat. The doctor called today to confirm it. She's had a fever and has barely eaten a thing in three days. She seems to have taken a turn for the better today though. I heard her singing in her room this morning and she just told us she's hungry. The medicine they have for strep is a wonder drug. Just a couple of doses and you feel a hundred times better thankfully. Next week is her last week of school before summer break so I'm glad she's getting this over with now. Lots of activities going on the next couple of weeks. We need a healthy girl!!
Anything exciting going on in your neck of the woods? I have to catch up with my favorite bloggers now. It's been too long!! xo
~ Wendy
Beautiful pictures of a beautiful garden xx
Such a beautiful garden, the lavender is a delight. Sorry to hear about Megan, hopefully she is now on the mend. Take care.
It seems such a short time since I was clapping my hands in excitement at all the buds on the new peony we planted last year. Pink, frilly and utterly gorgeous.....now looking brown and battered after the rain and wind.
Never mind still plenty of other things to flower yet.
I love the picture of that cute little bird. I wish I had a decent camera to capture all of the beautiful birds we have had in the garden so far this year.....except for the magpie.....I truly dislike magpies.
I hope Megan is recovering well.
So glad your girl is getting better. -sigh- Bet a lot of her classmates are out with it too. "Bugs" travel, in school.
Gorgeous photos!!!
Especially love the 'bokeh' effect ones!!!!! Oh sigh yes!!!!!!
All you bloggers, with lovely cameras, and with all your ability, are making me "afraid" to post my pictures. -pout- I had that thought, this afternoon. But of course, that is a silly thing to think. And equally silly, to let it stop me from posting my pics. :-))) So I didn't, let it stop me. :-)
Luna Crone
Your pictures are so pretty. :)
Hope your little one gets well very soon. Strep is not fun!
Such beautiful gardens. They take a lot of work, but you're young enough to handle all of it. Hope Meggie feel fine soon.
A lovely walk in the garden, Wendy, along with Mrs. Bigglesworth :) Love the little pink roses! Glad your girl is on the mend - strep throat is nothing to trifle with. Wonderful to be serenaded every day by your little friend, too. xo Karen
Poor Miss Megan! Hope she's up and around and looking forward to her summer vacation.
You garden looks great! I've been trying to get a few photos of my yard but it's been so windy....hard to get a good flower shot in the wind!
Hope you're having a good week.
Some nice shots of blooms in your gardens ... many of the same flowers are blooming in mine ;) Love the pretty catbirds, and I had a pair nesting in my yard a few years ago. I've never had them before or since, but they are sucha delicate, sweet bird. Enjoy the rest of your week, and I hope you and your daughter are both feeling better now.
Thank you for your very kind comment on mine recently. Unfortunately, every time I reply to your emails, the email is returned as undeliverable. Not sure why.
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