
Sunday Sayings . . .

You can meet somebody tomorrow who has better intentions for you than someone you've known forever .. time means nothing .. character does.

It's been a crazy week around here.  School ended.  Our friends moved in with us until my husband and my friend's husband finish ripping out their bathroom and putting a new one in.  Their house is has been having lots of problems lately and horrible mold has been showing up in their bathroom.  They found lots of leaks behind the walls and pipes not up to code and, long story short, decided it would be best to take everything apart and start from scratch.  My honey knows how to build a house from the ground up so he and our friend are doing the work themselves.  In the meantime, there are two very happy seven year olds that are thrilled to be having a week long sleep over.  : )  The mamas are holding up well but this mama doesn't do well without "alone" time and that's been next to impossible.  This is the first time I've had a chance to even go on my blog while they're all at the playground.  It's been going very well and we'd honestly do anything for our friends.  We know they feel the same way about us and, these days, honest and caring and happy people seem harder to find. It's amazing to me how the Universe puts people in your life when you seem to need them the most.

Amazing grace!!

Wishing you a beautiful week ahead!!  xo

~ Wendy


  1. I have just found your blog from a comment you left on Blogoratti's blog. It is nice to meet you! I live in England and have been blogging for 9 years. I love the quote above. I look forward to visiting again. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. :)

  2. You are a good friend! Have a great week!

  3. Gosh....how wonderful of you to share your house.
    Not having been put to that test I am not sure if I could do it. I think I would probably rather pay a hotel bill....lol.
    That sounds really mean doesn't it but honestly I'm not a mean person and would certainly help as much as I could.
    Have a happy week.

  4. You truly are a wonderful friend, I admire your grit.

  5. Oh I understand needing "alone" time!!!!!!!

    And having more people in your house, disrupting usual schedule and etc., is very difficult.

    You are good people, to do this. But regardless of how, we want to be of help. It is still, not easy. I've done it, with/for children and their families. Not, not, not easy.

    When they (children) were moving and between houses.....

    I repeat, it is not easy. And you have a perfect right, to rejoice, when you are able to get your home back!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lots of gentle hugs,
    Luna Crone

  6. I sure do understand wanting alone time, but it seems there either is too much alone time or not enough.

  7. Love the quote! You and your husband are wonderful friends. Having house guests can be challenging, but dealing with a toxic bathroom with little ones is awful. So glad the kids are enjoying their time together - they are making some good memories. Hope yours are good, too :) It's so nice to have a handy hubby! xx Karen


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