
An Afternoon on the Hudson River on a {mostly} Wordless Wednesday . . .

On Sunday afternoon, we boarded our little boat that we inherited when my dad passed away and tooled up and down the Hudson River for a few hours.  We are so blessed to live in such a beautiful part of the country and seeing it from the water just reinforces this for me.  : )

There are so many beautiful homes that overlook the Hudson. 

A perfect spot for fishing!!

The flag is at half staff for the Marines that perished in a helicopter accident two weeks ago.  Several of them were from our area.  So incredibly sad.

A short but sweet reprieve from the sun.

You can keep all of those big houses overlooking the river.  I'll take this one!!  : )

This tour boat was heading to a place called Bannerman Island.  It's a tiny island in the middle of the Hudson that has an old castle on it.  Parts of it have been restored for people to visit.  They even have movie nights where you can go and watch on outdoor movie under the stars.  : )

Bannerman Island.


Our little town offers kayaking lessons on the weekends during the summer.  Apparently, business is booming!! 

The Captain of "The Rip Tide" (aka my honey).  We named the boat after my dad whose nickname was "Rippy."

The first mate looking for land.

Land ho!!!

Hopefully the first of many boating excursions this summer.  We haven't been out on the water for two years.  Last summer, Jim worked so much overtime due to his company being shorthanded and the summer before that we were getting our old house in order to put it on the market.  We swore we'd be on the boat this summer though and, wouldn't you know it, we saw a butterfly when we arrived back on shore.  A butterfly is one of my dad's signs to let us know he's still around. 

Amazing grace!!  xoxo


Shel said...

What absolutely gorgeous pictures! So glad to hear that you got to return to the water/boat after being away from it for two years. It's always so lovey to spend a day on the water, isn't it?! xo

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Thank-you for the wonderful tour down the Hudson in your Dad's boat, Wendy! I love all the houses and pretty boats and bridges. It looks like you had beautiful weather, too. Such a beautiful place! xx Karen

Sheila said...

I'm not overkeen on water but I think I could put up with it to live in such a stunning place.
Your photographs capture everything so beautifully that I almost feel the breeze and the heat of the sun.
Such a wonderful talent-x-

Beside a babbling brook... said...

What a wonderful inheritance!!!!!! Just wonderful!!!!!

And such amazing photos, of along the river.

Bannerman Island. Have you ever been there? Oh that sounds fascinating! :-)

Again, what a wonderful inheritance!!!!!!

Luna Crone

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Of course I had to look up Bannerman Castle Island.

A quite complete history can be found here...

And present day information, here.....

Luna Crone

Winters End Rambler said...

Oh! Absolutely beautiful. x

Mary L. Briggs said...

Such beautiful pictures! It looks as if you had a fun and relaxing afternoon.

sage and spirit said...

What a great way to spend the day. And I love that castle....almost makes me feel it could be somewhere in Europe.
Glad you had such a relaxing day with the family.

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of Zoos either, but it is a wonderful way to educate our young so I am not totally adverse to them. Sounds like a great day out with friends so lots of lovely memories created.
