
A Quote and a Cottage . . .

Quote of the day: 

I don't care whether people like me or dislike me. I'm not on earth to win a popularity contest. I'm here to be the best human being I possibly can be. -Tab Hunter

Amen to that.  Thanks Tab Hunter.  : )

On a completely different note . . .

This West Sussex cottage has inspired us with ideas for giving our exterior a little Christmas spruce - love the welcoming candles on the pathway! For more Christmas inspiration, check out the dedicated festive ACHICA shop, at www.achica.com/christmas

I reeaallyy want to live here!!!  : )

Happy Saturday ~ Wendy  xo


  1. Be still my heart! Tab Hunter was my crush when I was in High School
    Lovely cottage--wouldn't it be all cozy and warm inside? I just know it would. I could stay nestled there forever.

  2. i absolutely love that quote.. and that cottage - please may i come and live in it with you?

  3. Love the quote, but the cottage is something else wow! Where is it?

  4. That quote is right on. And that cottage....I could move right in!

  5. Lovely quote Wendy.

    I am imagining that cottage covered in snow and my heart is thumping...lol.


  6. That is a fabulous quote and the older I get the more true it becomes!

  7. I love the quote, too. It sounds like we all want to live in that cottage. I think we better find out how many bedrooms it has! : )

  8. Such a wonderful quote - something to always keep in mind. The cottage is the stuff of fairy tales....so perfectly inviting! When you move in, please invite me over :) Hugs xo Karen

  9. Wow! What a beautiful little cottage!

  10. I wonder what it would be like inside??? It looks to be quite a welcoming place, with it's glowing light and the wreath on the door. Perhaps you should knock! Meg:)


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