Anyhoo . . . this is what our house looked like this morning. Connor wanted to be an old lady so he bought a wig, a pair of pearls, borrowed my MIL's walker and I bought a housecoat for him. You should have seen my husband trying on housecoats in Sears yesterday to see if they would fit Connor. I literally almost wet my pants with laughter!! I told him that it was definitely true love when you tried on housecoats to make your wife happy!!
This granny is 6 foot 2 and weighs 240 lbs. Her boobs are made of bubble wrap.

I had to get a shot of the bun . . .

and of how his shorts hung below his housecoat.
He even borrowed my husband's slippers and a straw purse I picked up in Turks and Caicos. He had a lipstick and compact in his purse because what Granny would be caught without a lipstick and compact? All his own idea, I swear!!!
I told him to go easy on the lipstick because I don't want him playing on the offensive line tonite with pink lipstick stain on his lips. I never thought I would ever hear those words come out of my mouth!! : )
Son #2 was a container of mustard. His friend that is in most of his classes is dressing up as a hot dog. I hope to get a picture of the two of them together later on. I was able to get a picture of his friend, Dylan, who knocked on our door this morning looking like this . . .

Needless to say, this didn't go over very well with our two dogs!!
Just another day in our life!!
And last nite, we carved our pumpkins. It was nice because the whole family actually got involved.

Trevor striking a pose while Brendan gets the "Shmutz" (as he calls it) out of his pumpkin.

More "shmutz."

Brendan drew his own design this year and Connor helped him draw it onto his pumpkin. I cut it out so it was definitely a group effort this year. I haven't carved a pumpkin in a couple of years and I forgot how much I liked doing it. Judging by the huge hug and kiss and "Great job, Mom" that I got from Brendan, I did a pretty good job. : )
And here are the finished products . . .

Brendan's Masterpiece!!

Trevor's Masterpiece!!

Hubby's Masterpiece!!
From our house to yours, we hope you have a safe and SPOOKtacular Halloween!!
Many blessings ~ Wendy
awesome jack-o-lanterns! and the granny costume is hilarious. eden will be so happy to hang with brendan at the ball. she mentioned that he has been joining in on her "fashionistas" game at recess. she said he's the manager. so funny! actually, there is going to be a little "fall" party in their class this afternoon. mrs. rivera called me last minute to call mom's to bring in things. i didn't want to bother you - i know how exhausting the first trimester could be. but i'll bother you next time for sure! j/k so they'll be having some yummy cupcakes and treats. they should be able to dress up but i am finding that a large number of the kids in the school do not celebrate halloween for religious reasons. no one at our bus stop! so what happens is they do not come to school on halloween or today. anyway, have a spooky weekend!
Loved the jack o lanterns. So sad about the kids at the elementary level not being able to dress up. In our school, the kindergarten and first grade students are allowed to wear costumes and we have a parade around the school while the older kids watch. We just have a "no scary stuff" policy and it works! Your son looks hilarious! Hope your kids and your whole family have a wonderful weekend.
Wendy I so love coming to your blog and reading about you...I wish you could have gotten photos of hubby trying on house coats..what a hoot..and I love hubbys pumpkin the best.but they are all neat...I do mine in cats when I carve..not sure if i will this year..but I have a funkin that is a kitty scarecrow and he lights up..I miss the days of dressing up at school and going to all the rooms and getting candy..that was sooooo much fun..I do feel for kids these days as they are missing out on all the fun we used to have..have a great and spooky weekend too.:)
Wow those pumpkin look amazing really brilliant!
You might note the time stamp on this comment - it is something like 6 a.m. I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep - too excited that its Halloween!!
That granny costume is hysterical- almost mistook him for my Great Aunt Mabel.
Spooktacular jackolanterns!
Great Halloween fun...love the photos! Thanks for your etsy note and I came to visit. And...joined as a follower!!! Hope you'll come on over and visit me too!
Looks like a good time was had by all!! Love the granny costume and the mustard is the coolest!!
Happy Halloween!
He is just toooooo funny in that outfit, sweetpea!!! Good natured kid though. At least his b**bs won't sag like most do! LOL LOL Hubby is a saint for doing that also. Mine would do it if I asked him but he wouldn't be thrilled about it. He goes along for the "chuckle" most of the time though, chickee!!
Great costumes! Love the Granny! LOL. And everyone did a gorgeous job on their pumpkins!
yapping cat
The granny costume is absolutely hilarious. And your husband is quite the trooper!
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