I recently listed the sweetest Melissa Frances pink bottle brush Christmas trees in my Etsy shop . The holidays are so not just about red and green anymore. I thought it would be fun to pick a different color each week until Christmas to see what kind of decor I can find in that particular shade. Of course, I just HAD TO start with pink!!
To be honest, I was never a really big fan of the color pink until the last couple of years. I don't even really know what made me decide to like it more than just a little. I think it may have been when I discovered blog land and all of the pink photos that people post and all of the pink goodies that people create. When I fell, I fell HARD!!

How can you not help but adore pink vintage ornaments? I had several of them on my tree until last year when my tree fell over and we lost a lot of our delicate decorations. Needless to say, it was very sad. I was lucky enough to find a wonderful Estate Sale early on in the summer and found a fantastic bunch of vintage ornies. And, some of them were pink!!! : )

I don't think I could get myself to put up a pink Christmas tree but I certainly love to look at them and love to see when other people have put them up.
Could you imagine a whole forest of these?!!?
I collect these glittery houses and keep them out all year round. I like to add one to my collection each season. I haven't looked for any yet this year. I think I'll have to make that a priority. I've found some wonderful ones in Marshall's the last couple of years. If you wait until after Christmas, they are marked down about 80 percent!!
Couldn't you just look at this picture all day?!!?
Now what color should I pick next?
Hmm . . .
Many blessings ~ Wendy
how about aqua and yes, i could look at that picture all day.
same here on the pink. i was never so big on pink until the past couple of years. it's very sweet.
pretty post!
How gorgeous are all those goodies...
I love the wreath!
Those Putz houses are beautiful...But you never see them here in Oz...Lucky cause I'd be buying one quick smart!
Ohmy, all of them are darling and pink! I'm making a wreath out of pink and purple bulbs for my home, sugar. I think I'll leave it up all year though. Gorgeous....
I love the photos..and I love pink..I just don't decorate with it...but am loving what you have shown...have a good one.:)
thinking pink for any particular reason??? :)
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this blog entry. This is my dream Christmas Wendy. Thank you so much for sharing. Hope you are keeping well. Carol xoxox
Okay that is just darling!
Oh yes... the pink is SO lovely. I love it paired with the silver of sparkling glitter. ;))
My vote for the next color is a pretty pale blue! All of the photos you have gathered for this post are so lovely.
xo Heather
Wendy this is the prettiest post ever! I love Pink Christmas Decor!!!
Nice! I'll keep an eye out for those sparkly houses for you and let you know if I see any in my travels. (Like I need another excuse to shop - LOL!)
I love this post and I love pink! But what I REALLY love is that cute little deer!!!!!!
So, so cute. I can never get it to work in my house!!
The wreath was so beautiful and I loved the little reindeer!
Hi Wendy :)
I too love pink at Christmas. It reminds me of a fairyland. I just used some pretty pink paper to decorate a scrapbook for my shop. It was so much fun to work with. Thanks for sharing this lovely post. Hope you are feeling GREAT!!!
Such fun photos! I'm doing pink for Christmas for the first time this year. I just bought a little tabletop tree in pink - not sure about the big tree though. :) I think I have to build up to it.
So beautiful here! Wow.
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