
Just One of Many Works in Progress . . .

I wanted to share a few pics of one of our many works in progress here . . .

We have a three bedroom cottage with an attached garage that is currently being used as a giant storage bin. : ) With the impending arrival of our fourth child we knew we would be needing another bedroom. We decided to convert the garage into one such bedroom.

After receiving estimates from several contractors (if that's not a financially eye-opening experience I don't know what is!!), we've come to the conclusion that it would be best if we did most of the work ourselves.

My husband basically tore down the house he owned when we met and built much of it back up with just the help of friends and neighbors and his dad and step-dad when they were in town.

We'll now be able to work at our own pace financially which is very important to us ~ especially with a new baby, a son going to college in a year and a half and our wanting to be able to go on vacation or out to dinner without having to worry about breaking the bank.

Time is definitely going to be my husband's biggest obstacle when it comes to doing all of this work. That annoying little thing called "a job" gets in the way!! : )

Right now, our top priority is getting our bedroom in order. All of these pics are of the work currently being done in our bedroom.

The baby will be staying with us for several months while the work is being done on the garage.

We're painting and putting up new trim. We're also laying down a new hardwood floor and adding new window treatments.

My mother has generously offered her king-sized bed to us since she's going to be getting a queen-sized one. I've been resisting my husband's begging and pleading for a bigger bed but have since given in. I know the baby is going to be in between us once in a while and I'd feel a lot more comfortable knowing that she had more room.

Not to mention those occasional nites that our eight year old has a bad dream and crawls into bed with us.

How does someone so small take up so much room?!!?

He's lucky he's cute!! : )

So for now, Miss Megan's clothes are all put away in stackable storage bins until the garage gets done . . .

which is where son #1 is going . . .

so that daughter #1 can have her own room.

One work in progress at a time. OY!!!

I almost forgot to show you the hole dear hubby put in the wall when he fell down our bedroom stairs while carting out construction debris. Don't worry ~ the wall got a much bigger boo-boo than my man did!! : )

Many blessings ~ Wendy

1 comment:

JGH said...

Can I just tell you? You are gonna LOVE having a king sized bed especially with the newborn! Good luck with all the renovations.