A couple of weeks ago, we met my mom for lunch and a visit to one of our favorite places in Cornwall, NY. Jones' farm is owned by a wonderful family that always seems so happy to see you when you come by for a visit. Grandma Doris is the matriarch and can always be found behind the counter serving cookies and fudge and to-die-for carrot cake.
There are chickens that like to follow you around.
And there are roosters with attitudes. They walk around the little barn all day without a care in the world. Except for maybe wondering when someone is going to toss them their next snack!!
There's an adorable miniature pony and what I think is a cross between a donkey and a miniature pony.
Mugging for the camera!!
Inside the shop is a place where children can see bees busy at work making honey. Megan pointed them out while her Daddy told her what they were doing.
Of course, you can't leave there without drooling over one of their homemade pies or cookies.
Megan sampled a St. Patrick's Day cookie with green sprinkles.
More, please!!!
After a visit to the gift shop and bidding farewell to Grandma Doris we wandered back outside for a glimpse of the very large pig that they have but she didn't feel like coming out of the barn so we had to settle for a couple of ducks. Megan didn't mind. She loved them all.
We're looking forward to visiting again real soon!!
Many blessings for a happy Thursday ~ Wendy
1 comment:
That looks like a great day and know I am craving cookies!! I love when animals mug for the camera...hehe
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