
Starr's Mill . . .

On our way to Senoia, we passed this gorgeous red building that looked like an old barn with the prettiest waterfall next to it.  I knew I had to stop on the way back and get a closer look.  It turned out to be an old mill from the 1800's. 

I fell in love with everything about it!!  The perfect location to visit on a hot Georgia day!!  These three ladies thought so too.  : )

Can we get a little privacy??

I guess we'll be on our way then.  Lol!!

At the base of the waterfall there were lots of people with shovels and bowls.  At first, Megan and I thought they might be panning for gold (really we did.  Not sure what normally goes on in Georgia!!).

Upon further investigation . . .

 we discovered it was clams they were digging for!!  Lots of them too!!

Our stop at Starr's Mill was one of my favorite stops on our vacation.  I swear I could've taken a thousand photos there alone!!  I honestly didn't have any idea that I'd love Georgia as much as I did.  If it wasn't so darn hot and I wasn't such a New York girl I might even think about moving there when the kids are all grown.  : )

 Next stop . . .  Tennessee!!!

Happy Thursday y'all!!  ~ Wendy 


sage and spirit said...

What a peaceful looking place! I love historical buildings like that! And the plaque with the story of the Creek indians nearby....made me think of the indian burial grounds near Sophia's church.
Great photos and story!

Anonymous said...

i can see why you loved it here... its perfectly peaceful and quite beautiful.. i love the tranquility.

affectioknit said...

Really beautiful...we love old mills...

~Have a lovely day!