
Currently in My Etsy Shop . . .

Ever since taking part in the 10/10/10 Etsy Greetings Team Challenge I've been trying to list a new card in my shop every day. I've been pretty consistant with it. If I'm unable to find the time to work on anything new I have cards whose listings have expired so I'm able to renew them. That's taking the easy way out, I know, but sometimes it's the only way I can keep up the pace. Once the kids are back in school I'll have more time to dedicate to both of my shops. I have so many wonderful things to list but just don't have the time to do it right now. I listed some adorable vintage cupcake picks in my other Etsy shop two days ago and they sold right away. I've learned that you have to be a couple of months ahead of each holiday to start listing for it in order to have a good chance of selling your item. I had some great items in my shops for July 4th. The ones that I listed early on sold and the ones that I procrastinated on didn't. You live, you learn.

These were really cute and some little boy or girl is going to have a classroom full of happy students at his/her Halloween party!!

The last couple of days I've listed several cards. I found some great papers and embellishments and couldn't wait to work with them. They're a little smaller than I'm used to making but I'm really happy with how they came out.

I bought these absolutely adorable pink and blue daisy cabs here a few months ago and I just adore them!! I'm a daisy fanatic!!
Tomorrow is a very big day around here. Son #1 has his road test. He also starts triple session football practices tomorrow. He's been really busy this summer, between work and football practice since July. Another milestone for him. I know his dad will be in the back seat with him for luck. I know he's with the three boys whenever they reach any special milestone. You can read my earlier blogs if you want to know more about their dad. He passed away almost five years ago and lets me know on a regular basis that he's still here with us. Amazing Grace.
Many blessings ~ Wendy

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