
Lots to Say in No Particular Order . . .

So we've been back from vacation for five days now and, like most people, I didn't do any big grocery shopping for about two weeks before we left. We lived on take out, food that was crammed in the back of the freezer, left-overs, take out, friendly neighbors' impromptu dinner invitations and, did I happen to mention, take out? I guess what I'm trying to say is that I definitely needed to do a LARGE grocery shop since our return home. I used to love to grocery shop but lately I've been trying to come up with every excuse not to do it. I actually find it very meditative to walk up and down the aisles, looking at all the different varieties of products. As I sat on the couch drinking my morning coffee, I realized that I could not come up with one excuse not to make today the day I finally went. My mom has my youngest son until tomorrow. My middle guy is with my sister until tomorrow and my oldest son was still sleeping and doesn't start his triple sessions of football practice until Friday so I didn't need to be home for him either. My husband was working and the dogs were flopped out on the couch so I was able to go by myself without being on any kind of time restriction. That is no small feat in the summer as anyone with kids will tell you.

When I got into the car, the car thermometer registered 106 degrees. I haven't seen that in a long time (it did go down about 20 degrees once I got the car out of the sun and put the a/c on, thankfully)!! Up until recently, the summer has been very mild, temperature wise. I think we're going to be paying for it for the next couple of months though. I hope I'm wrong. We are rapidly approaching my most favorite time of the year!! Autumn!!!!! I noticed that a lot of the weekly magazines at the checkout lines in Shop Rite are showing apples on their cover which is a sure sign to me. When we were in Wildwood Crest I had to come up with a costume for my youngest son, Brendan. One of the nites at the beach we have what we call "Pat's Derby." It's named for one of the family members who passed from melanoma two years ago. "Pat's Derby" consists of people paying $10.00 each to dress up in a costume of their choice. There are usually about eighteen different people so it's 6 per race. For each race you bet who you think is going to win and can put as much money down as you want on that particular person. They all stand on a line and then the person in charge rolls a dice and, depending on which number they roll that particular person moves up one line until they reach the finish line. I think there are about 9 or 10 lines in all. The winner gets to keep the money that all of them put in to be in it and the bettors collect their prize money as well. It's a lot easier than it sounds and it's a heck of a lot of fun. This year, two of my boys dressed up.

Trevor was a giant banana. He bought this from a friend the last week of school when they were cleaning out lockers. His friend wore it to school on Halloween and threw it in the back of his locker. He was gonna throw it out but my son, always looking for a bargain, bought it for a mere $1.00. I told him it makes him look very appealing. : )

And here's my pirate, Brendan. He decided on our way to the beach that he wanted to participate in the "Derby" so I had to come up with a costume for him . . .

which brings me back to my story about how autumn is my most favorite time of the year. : ) So I found a Michael's Crafting Store. I can smell those from miles away!! When I walked inside they had all of their fall decor up and Halloween stuff everywhere. I was in Heaven!! I walked up and down every aisle and came up with the idea for him to be a pirate. I bought fabric spray paint and skull stencils with the intention of stenciling the skulls onto a black shirt that I picked up. Have you ever tried to use that stuff? It was an absolute joke!!! I screwed it up the second I pressed the paint nozzle down. OH MY GOODNESS!!! Thankfully, after I tossed that still-full-to-the- top paint can out I came up with the idea to use the stickers on the stencil instead and they came out pretty good. I also happened to throw a plain black shirt into B's suitcase at the last minute so I was able to use that as well. It's very hard to see but I also glued a plastic parrot on his shoulder with Liquid Stitch. It was the first time I have ever used that stuff and it is awesome!!! It held that parrot on with no problem.
I just re-read what I've written and, I must say, it is all over the place,isn't it?!!? Let me just finish this with some pictures. My head is spinning and I have to meet my husband for dinner in half an hour. Dinner for two hasn't happened in a LONG time!! : )

More pictures from "Pat's Derby." Sonny and Cher aka Tristan and Kayleigh. Someone else wore the long dark wig so a compromise was needed. : ) Doesn't my nephew look great as Sonny?!!? Look at the size of his microphone!!!

Trevor as a brunette.

And finally . . . I had to share this picture from last year's "Derby." Such good times!! : )
Many blessings ~ Wendy

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