
Lots of Pretty Things . . .

Some vintage dolls in Cape May.

Vintage baby clothes that were so pretty and delicate.

The sweetest, most delicate vintage baby bonnet I've ever seen.

So many vintage dresses, so little time!! : )

How about a spot of tea and something sweet?

I fell in love with this light fixture due to my love of daisies. If I had a place to hang it in my house it would've come home with me in a heart beat!!

This clock radio was buried under a bunch of linens. I rearranged the shelf so that it had a prominent spot. I'm hoping it gets a happy new home. The color of this is brilliant!!

More eye candy tomorrow!!

Many blessings ~ Wendy

1 comment:

  1. I've loved looking at your photos, sugar! I found you quite by accident and loved the name. Nice to meet you and yessssss, where does the time go!!! Drop by for a visit if you feel you have time.


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