I went outside this morning and took some photos of the hydrangea bushes that grow around the perimeter of our property. I've never counted them but I believe there are about 18 or 19 of them. When we bought our house, almost 9 years ago, the sellers told us not to be surprised if people knock on our door asking if they can have some of our flowers. We bought our house in October so the bushes were pretty much past peak. We could tell that they were beautiful but had no idea just how beautiful they really were!! Oh my goodness!!

They start off as lots and lots of buds.

Then they start to bloom around the beginning of July. This year it was a little later because of the cooler than normal temps we've been having in this part of New York.

Right now they're little baby white flowers but, as the weather gets colder, they change to a pink color. When the weather gets downright chilly at nite, they turn to pink and then to all different shades of pink.
A local florist used to buy them from me for weddings that she did but, unfortunately for her, she went out of business. Then I had a man that would knock on my door every fall and ask me if he could pay me to trim back the bushes. How do you say no to that?!!? So I made sure that all of my family and friends and even people that just knocked on my door and asked for some had their share and then he would trim them and, after paying me a fair amount of money, would haul them off in the back of his truck. I know this man made a fortune with my flowers and everyone was happy. Then, two years ago, he came and cut and loaded them all into the back of his truck and then said he needed to go home to get more money and I never heard from him again. Oh well, you live and you learn!! I have one more picture of the flowers that I want to show you.

Isn't this gorgeous?!!? It looks like you can see their aura around them. I'll post more as they progress. You're not going to believe the size of them at their peak!!
That's it for now. I have a few things that I want to list in my Etsy shop, including a new card for the day. I've gotta keep the momentum going!!
Many blessings ~ Wendy
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