
Let the "End of School Year" Festivities Begin!!! . . .

Last Friday started the beginning of the end of school year festivities with Megan's Field Day.  It was beautiful here all last week until Friday when the rain rolled in.  Makes for a pretty picture but not a fun Field Day so the younger grades were stuck in the gymnasium for the day. 

The rain and fog rolling in across the mountains in our neighborhood.

What a blast Megan and her classmates still had!!  The gym was filled with so much happiness and laughter that you soon forgot how warm it was being stuffed inside.  Well, for the most part.  Haha!!

Can you spot Megan?  She's in front of the orange cone.  : )

I have to give a big shout out to the teachers.  They did a phenomenal job keeping the kids going and focusing more on the fun and less on the winning.  Not that there's anything wrong with celebrating a victory.  Winning and losing is PART OF LIFE whether you like it or not.  They just allowed a little time for celebrating before moving them along again so the kids who didn't win weren't dwelling on it for very long before it was time for the next event.  Perfect!!

Megan was partnered with her friend Emily a lot which was so much fun because I sat with Emily's mom in the bleachers and we cheered them on together.  There really are some wonderful new friends I've made here and her mom is at the top of the list!!

Next up is Megan's gymnastics olympics that we have tomorrow.  To say she is excited about this is an understatement!!  She's been practicing her cartwheels and her handstands and her bridges.  I can't help but remember those June days when you started the countdown to summer vacation and how exciting it all was.  There is such an amazing energy at school now when I drop off and pick up Megan.  Pure joy!!!

Happy weekend to you all!!

~ Wendy


Bhutan Knit N Crochet said...

AAAwooo, so cute. i love ur girl.

mamasmercantile said...

Such wonderful times, you certainly are making a new life for yourself and settling really well into your new neighbourhood. Long may that continue.

Jen Kershner said...

How sweet! I hope you guys have the loveliest of summers ahead of you!

sage and spirit said...

Keep that joy in your heart! It's going to be a great summer!