
No Funks Allowed . . .

For the last couple of days I can feel myself bordering on being in a real funk. I'm sure PMS creeping in isn't helping matters much. But I know that it also has to do with the warm weather rapidly approaching. I'm one of those rare humans that absolutely adores the short days and long nites. I love the cold, the dampness, the dark dreary days. I'm not a big fan of the sun and forget the heat and humidity. I'll take cold, crisp air any day of the week. Jim and I have already agreed to go north when he retires. It's easy to say it but leaving here would be tough. If my kids followed, that would make it so easy to do. If not, I don't know if I could go thru with it. I guess there's time to worry about that later. We purchased a pool the other day so I guess that will make the heat and humidity easier to deal with. Jim already has his eye on a heater to extend our pool season!!

My sister has an appointment with a surgeon at Sloan Kettering tomorrow afternoon. She has a very positive attitude and we'll know more with each week that passes. Right now we're in a holding pattern. She has an incredible support system. Between my family, her in-laws and friends, everything will be okay as far as the kids go. There will always be someone to pick them up from school or take them when need be. I adore those two munchkins. On Easter, all of the cousins were in our backyard blowing bubbles, chasing each other, hunting for eggs and swinging on the swings and it made me smile to see all of them together. My sisters and I (with a little help of course!!) have created 7 beautiful miracles ranging in age from 2 to 15. It is so funny to see my 15 year old playing with my sister's 2 year old. I think little Danny is going to give Connor a run for his money in the size department some day!! There are blondes, brunettes and even a red head. Blue eyes, green eyes and brown eyes. They all share a sense of humor which is the best of all. My middle sister and I always laugh about how different we are as aunts and mothers than our own aunts and mother were when we were growing up. If I ever heard my mother or aunts say half the stuff or do have the stuff that we do I probably would've fallen out on the floor!! But for our kids all of that stuff is commonplace and I think that's why they are so resilient and roll with the punches. There are definitely attitudes mixed in there and I don't want you to mistake this all for a Hallmark Card because it's far from that. However, there is a resilience to all of us that has been passed down from our parents to us and now to our children. Thru death, illness, divorce and whatever else is thrown our way we endure. It's that sense of humor that makes us come out the other side stronger and able to stand up to whatever is in the cards for us. Family and friends are what make life worth living. They are what keep you going when you feel yourself getting into a funk.

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