Wow. It's hard to believe that I have not posted on this blog for almost two months. Where does the time go? I've thought a lot about this blog over the last couple of months and have been thinking about moving it in a different direction. I want to keep it as a place to share my thoughts and to vent when something is bothering me. I need an outlet and sometimes I feel the need to write things down as opposed to talking about them. I've been a fan of writing since I was very young. I always had a diary or a journal. Sometimes it was nothing more than an old school notebook that was never used up completely. I've always had a problem with consistency but I don't beat myself up over that anymore. I've learned that I write when I really need to write. I've also learned that I'm writing for myself so it's not like there's a deadline to meet or a minimum number of pages I must write per week. There's also no perfect way to keep a diary or journal. Just keeping it handy when you need it is perfect enough.
So back to this new direction I've been pondering . . . I have been spending a lot more time in my studio and working on my Etsy shops since the beginning of the year. I stopped making New Year's Resolutions several years back because I didn't want to set myself up for personal disappointment anymore year after year. However, this year I did promise myself that I would begin to treat my Etsy shops more like my businesses which is exactly what they are. I have been setting aside at least an hour almost every day to work on them. I've been creating, seeking out and listing items for sale on a regular basis and, can I tell you, I am absolutely loving what I'm doing!! It has become my new passion. I am starting to average at least one sale almost every day. It may not sound like much yet but it's definitely a wonderful start and I've decided that I want to incorporate that artistic part of my life with everything else I write about here.
This winter I did a lot of hibernating. I really needed to do this. There have been a lot of changes in my life on a personal level and I was having a bit of a hard time with some of them. A lot of relationships in my life have changed. It took a while but I've accepted these changes and have seen them for what they really are. I have to admit I really wasn't looking forward to the spring and having to socialize again. Anybody that knows me would probably be shocked to hear that because I usually am quite a social person. But the truth is that I really did not want to be around many people this winter. After my first husband passed away, I came to recognize that the time I needed to be around people the most was when I felt most like alienating myself from them. This weekend was the first official weekend of spring and we had a birthday party and our middle son's first baseball game of the season.
I realized, as I was crawling into bed last nite, just how much I need to be with people again. I laughed and had a very nice time at my friend's birthday party. I have not spent any time with her in a very long time and it reminded me of how much I love her and what a good time I have with her. I am also happy that my friends got to spend some time with my new husband because they really haven't had the chance to get to know him. They were all friends with my first husband and I know it's a tough thing to accept someone new sometimes.
I know this post is jumping around from one subject to another, at a rapid pace, and I apologize for that. I guess I'm just happy to be back and have lots to talk about.
Could it be that I'm feeling sociable again . . . .
Many blessings ~ Wendy
Welcome back! We've missed you!
I'm so glad you are back.
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