Well, it's been quite a day. I picked my father-in-law up at 7:25 this morning to take him to the hospital for a procedure that he thought started at 10 am but was later told it wouldn't be starting until 12:30 pm. I sat with him for most of the time but made the nurses warn me when they were going to be baring a little more of him than I care to see. There were one or two close calls but nothing to embarrass me really. My FIL takes it all in stride and was in good humor as he usually is. I could tell he was a little bit nervous but he just wanted to get it over with while my mother in law is in the rehabilitation hospital which, unfortunately, will be until at least mid-August. When I think about all that those two have gone thru in the last four years I could cry but they take things one day at a time and I truly admire their courage.
So the procedure started right on time and I was given a beeper to keep with me that would let me know when I could go back up to recovery. I set out for the cafeteria as it was lunch time and I hadn't yet eaten anything. I didn't feel comfortable eating in front of my FIL when he hadn't eaten a thing since dinner the nite before. I have to say that, for hospital food, my lunch was pretty darn good. I had my FAVORITE magazine with me. For those of you that know about the Somerset Magazines, Somerset Life in particular, you know why it is my absolute FAVORITE!! It is eye candy from cover to cover. This month's issue (actually it's July, August and September's issue) has a to-die-for pink cover that I could look at all day!! I bought this issue about a month ago but haven't had a chance to look at it yet. I like to make a mug of coffee and snuggle up on the couch and savor every last page of it without interruption. Having three sons with lots of friends makes that next to impossible in the summer. I knew today would be a great opportunity to at least start the magazine and it was. I got as far as page 41 and then I started to doze while sitting at the table in the hospital cafeteria. I so hate that reading makes me sleepy!! I haven't read a book in so long because the only time I usually have to read is at night before I go to sleep. I can manage to keep my eyes open for about 15 minutes and then I find my self reading the same sentence over and over again. You can't get very far reading a book that way. I'm bound and determined to choose one of my 20 or so books that I've started this year (and then stopped reading due to that procrastination thing I wrote about yesterday) to bring to the beach with me in a couple of weeks. I've read a book during each vacation for the last three years. It seems to be the only time I can stay awake or not be constantly interrupted.
So I did title this entry "Day Three of the 10/10/10 EtsyGreetingsTeam Challenge. I'm getting to that now. I just wanted to preface it with the above info so you can see why I took the lazy way out and re-listed a recently expired listing of one of my cards in lieu of making a new one. Go to my Etsy shop for a peek. http://www.crickleberrycottage.etsy.com/. All of my cards are 10 percent off while the Challenge is going on. While you're at it, go check out my fellow Etsygreetingsteam member, Lisa, at http://www.pinkycreations.etsy.com/. That pretty card at the top of this page is a picture of just one of my many favorites in her incredibly wonderful shop!!
Many blessings ~ Wendy
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